That wasn't Windows bashing, Vista/Seven would run horrendously slow on minimum spec hardware so in my book it really would be masochism.
And no, I never get tired of Windows bashing, if something is wrong then it deserves criticism.
Right now I'm quite disgusted with Microsoft for making all Vista purchasers fork out again because they made a mistake.
As I've said before, all Vista licence holders should get a free copy of Seven as a Service Pack, not have to lay out another hundred quid.
I like Windows, I like Vista, I don't like Microsoft for many reasons which I won't go into again but their business practices leave a lot to answer for.
And FWIW I also get tired of Linux nutters, those who hold it up to be the best thing since sliced bread. I have never yet run a Linux Distro without running into snags. The latest snag I have is that Mint 6 shows many errors on boot and takes a full three minutes to boot. And I can't seem to be able to patch UT2004.
The closest I came to a perfect Linux Distro was Suse V10.0 about three years ago, that was good but it was a helluva job to get everything running as they didn't include codecs and some media software.
Linux is not for everybody, it's difficult imo and has a steep learning curve. But it's free and it works and in many ways is better than Windows. But let us not forget that Microsoft are far from perfect and their products cost lots of money.
Vista Ultimate and a full copy of Windows Office = around £600.00.
Linux Mint 6 and Open Office = £00.00