when ever i got out and i know im gonna be less than 6 hours i will just put me mouse on charge, at night and when im at work i just turn the bad boy off at the bottom .
I dont think i've even seen it go down to 2 bars yet!
If you find it too sensative try uninstalling the logitech drivers and using the basic microsoft drivers built into WindowsXP, i've used the microsoft drivers since the 2nd day because its way too sensative for me!
It's so WIERD !!! I think it will take my AGES to get used to it !!! lol Gaming is hard now, because of it's laser, which is obviously highly sensitive, even when not touching it moves, which mucks up my aiming, if i get my hand in a bad position lol ! Take me a while !
I will make a review tomorow for you peeps ! Hehe
It's on 3 LED light always though lol after 1 hours charge