Got bug, files aren't right on host, is it me?

  • Thread starter Thread starter SJ
  • Start date Start date


At the end of last week I got a severe virus in my system from a web site I
visited. (I was half asleep and clicked OK when it asked if it could down
load something), Norton and spybot couldn’t find it. Norton did stop it from
getting out which it tried every few minutes but it changed everyone on my
computer to an administrator, grayed out the ability to update windows and
after a few hours shut down my computer.

I reformatted my hard drive, reinstalled windows and its drivers, Norton and
then FrontPage.

Note: I did not upload any FrontPage files to my host computer after I got
the bug.

My problem is,

When I go through my host I see the html file and the files with the dates
that I loaded them.

When I go to my host through FrontPage
A. The html file is not there but the next level of files are
B. The dates of the last files I loaded up are wrong.
Notes They where right before this virus
They are right when I go though the server to view the files

What’s up, I didn’t load anything.
Am I seeing ghost

Any ideas would be appreciated
Thanks for the reply
No it did not help
I reinstaled FP and it still doesn't show the html file when I log on to my
Usually it shows the files as a sub file of the html once I click the html
file, however once I log on it just shows me the sub files and no html file
on my host.
I may call them soon but wanted to get my ducks in a row first.

If anyone has anyother ideas let me know
In FP 2003 when I logged on to my host you would have my FP file on the local
computer on the left and the files on my host on the right.
On the right it would be folders with names like

I would double-click on html and then unload my files and folders to my web
Now it goes directly past the html folder and I don't have to click on html.
Since I had that bug I got scared.

I have since uploaded stuff and it seems to work, I called tech and they
said I'm loading it(now) how it should be loaded.

Who knows maybe they changed something and it just happened to be at the
same time I got the virus.

Anyway thank you for your help.

That's the way it's supposed to work.
You shouldn't have ever seen the html folder when you logged on,
as it is the "root" folder for your website.
Nor should you have seen the other files / folders you listed below.