Dale Brisket
Why the hell would I want my next rig to be built around a single core based
CPU? Is not the handwriting on the wall for this issue? Am I wrong, or in
the not-to-distant future will be posting nostalgic threads about those
archaic days when a single core handled all our onerous tasks? And please,
all you FX vs. X2 gaming wonks out there, save your rants on how one
'totally kicks ass on Quake 4 and COD2, dude'. I could give a shit. I'm
talking about the future of computing where people who go out in the
sunlight occasionally and get real work done.
CPU? Is not the handwriting on the wall for this issue? Am I wrong, or in
the not-to-distant future will be posting nostalgic threads about those
archaic days when a single core handled all our onerous tasks? And please,
all you FX vs. X2 gaming wonks out there, save your rants on how one
'totally kicks ass on Quake 4 and COD2, dude'. I could give a shit. I'm
talking about the future of computing where people who go out in the
sunlight occasionally and get real work done.