Got a Lonely Sock..?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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If you have any lonely socks which have lost their mate as they traveled through the "washing machine of misfortune"... all is not lost, re-unite them HERE
I recently emptied my sock drawer and found 14 that had no match. I binned them all as instucted by my missus. :nod:

I have a strange feeling that over the next few weeks I will find 14 socks that now have no match. :lol:
Why bin odd socks, people are odd. ;)

I like wearing odd socks, nobody ever says anything ... hey, I may even bring a smile to their faces.

muckshifter said:
Why bin odd socks


Hey, come on Mucks, I was under orders. :p

I've always found it better not to mess with Management. ;)

I have more odd socks than you could throw a stick at :)

I keep them for about 3 months and then they are out! Sometimes the 'partner' appears and sometimes not.


Gabs xx
I sometimes turn them into cat-toys - cut off the legs, stuff them, add a good pinch of catnip, stitch 'em up and voila! A sort of mutant mouse. Cats don't seem to mind the shape, they have great fun with them :lol:
TC, you really do need to get out more!
But i never chuck odd socks away, even once wore an odd pair to a job interview! And i got the job too!!!!
I find this quite annoying always doing a wash and ending up with a missing sock, although in the case of reading some of these posts I have ahd a good chuckle..My brother on the other hand has quite a secere OCD and can only wear odd socks...Strange boy he is....
Time to set a trend, methinks, let your tootsies express their individuality, then the days of the "odd sock" would be numbered :lol: