Boco Merci
I would like to try a gopher client. Is there still such a program
I would like to try a gopher client. Is there still such a program
I would like to try a gopher client. Is there still such a program
Mark R. Blain said:There's not a lot of content left in gopherspace, and the remainder is
mostly academic and government sites and library "card catalogs".
Much of the content is no longer being updated. Before you spend too
much time on this, try the web gopher proxy at
<http://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/>, which should give you an idea of
what sites are available.
BTW this is a good argument for using or setting-up a Gopher server if
you want to keep casual prying eyes out.IE doesn't support Gopher
and neither does most recent browsers. Netscape 4.8 does however, and
it's also an excellent NG reader for text (very fast).
monkeyman said:Actually, not entirely true. IE, up until a recent buffer overflow
patch, Mozilla and Firebird are excellent gopher clients. Try it out
for yourself if you happen to be running one of those browsers. You
may have to copy and paste the link I have provided:
It's a shame that most of the gophers are dead now. It's a nifty
little protocol. You can get a proper client here:
Don't be dismayed if the client shows an error when it starts up. It's
just seeking it's home at gopher.uiuc.edu which is very dead. Simply
delete that entry in the next box presented.
Interesting to find out that Mozilla still supports Gopher.