Googles New Look


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Anyone else notice this yesterday? Its been tested randomly with Googles 'A/B' testing, so you may have seen it before then notice it goes back to normal again. :)

Using Google today, you may have noticed that something feels slightly different — the look and feel of our search results have changed! Today’s metamorphosis responds to the increasing richness of the web and the increasing power of search — revealing search tools on the left and updating the visual look and feel throughout. While we are constantly rolling out small changes and updates, today’s changes showcase the latest evolutions in our search technology, making it easier than ever to find exactly what you're looking for.

Yes, got the new-look Google here :thumb: I read about it yesterday, and it came up for the first time today. Seems to be quite good, doesn't it. :)
... and Gmail is coming back to a mail near you. :D

Yep, started to appear last night for me :). It looks a little more cluttered now, but I do use many of the tools on the left, so it's pretty handy for me :thumb:
I dont mind the new look, what i do mind is that at home I use Firefox with Stylish. This makes my Google Dark Grey. :)

Sadly the new Google broke the top line of the google page now, its not black anymore. :(


But I can live with it, hopefully there will be a fix soon.... :)

Got an update for the new theme....

