Google+ / Youtube


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
Have Youtube gone completely mad ? We are now been forced to have a Google + account. Something I do not want. Any comments that people leave on your videos now goes to your Google+ account and not to your Youtube inbox. I have at least 40 comments to reply to, but can't as they are not showing up in Googel +.
I will be deleting my Youtube account at some point today.

Windows 8 / 8.1 needs a Microsoft 'account' or you're stuffed.

oh, and you really think your youtube 'account' will be deleted? :)
Yep I have seen that too, there is a bubble that follows up the page and will not go away, asking if my comments can be added to Google+ but I don't have a google account and don't want one either!

Much more of this and I will stop using Youtube regardless of whether they delete my account or not, they don't get revenue from dormant accounts!
Windows 8 / 8.1 needs a Microsoft 'account' or you're stuffed.

Hi Mucks, you know Grogan, I lifted this from a Win8.1 thread elsewhere, he's done a fair few Win 8 & 8.1 installs recently:

They have gone even further, to try to force you in to using a Microsoft account to log onto your PC. Now, there's (seemingly) no local account choice during setup. You have to go in to "Create a New Account" and down below the registration fields is a little link to "Sign in Without a Microsoft Account" which gives you a normal, local login. After that, there are more gyrations and against a backdrop of shifting hues, it tells you "You can get your Apps from the Store"

And apparently you can install a classic shell from within Win 8.1, and whilst most would probably choose Win 7 apparently you can go right back to Win 95. I think that might silence a fair few critics.

However, there are many other issues... did somebody mention gaming?

Buy your apps here, roll up, roll up, buy your apps here, we want your money, never mind that OSX and Jelly Bean, Microsoft is the way to go - buy your apps here.... apps; apps; apps; apps; apps; apppa bappa schlmapps baps sesame seed bun :drool:
Floppy ... yes, I know you can, eventually, get Win 8 to run with a little less pesterings ... it goes without saying, however, I will not buy another Windows operating system. :)

Grogan, where is he these days?
It would seem there are enough people miffed by Youtubes latest changes that somebody has decided to start a petition. Will Youtube / Google listen ? I doubt it. So long as the bucks are rolling in they won't care what their users think
Well I won't say I'll never buy another Windows Operating system (never say never) but I'll certainly never use Win 8 or any derirative thereof.

However, if they ever get rid of all that rubbish that they think people want but is in fact a not so subtle ploy for trying to sell 'apps' then I would entertain paying MS money.

But I seriously doubt that will ever happen again now.

There will come a time of course, when games will need a MS system that is not Win 7 but we'll just have to wait and play it by ear.

And Grogan? He's over at BBF Mr Mucks, it's rather sparsely populated these days but I still visit sporadically.

Apps? I was calling software 'apps' at least twelve years ago, I should have taken out a copyright on the expression or summat then I could have sued everybody a la Apple/Samsung/Microsoft et al ;)
you'll need 10 million sigs for Google to look at it once ... good luck with that.

you'll need 10 million sigs for Google to look at it once ... good luck with that.

10 billion wouldn't make a difference so long as they are raking in the $$$'s from all the advertising, then add to that all the £££'s they get from sharing out information.............
There will come a time of course, when games will need a MS system that is not Win 7 but we'll just have to wait and play it by ear.

In the not too distant future I predict that all the major games producers will be making cross platform games and that you will not need a Microsoft os to be a serious games player. :cool:
In the not too distant future I predict that all the major games producers will be making cross platform games and that you will not need a Microsoft os to be a serious games player. :cool:

Something developers should have been doing a long time ago. Or are M$ paying them to develope only for M$ platform ?
In the not too distant future I predict that all the major games producers will be making cross platform games and that you will not need a Microsoft os to be a serious games player. :cool:

Oh aye.

And one day soon there will be world peace, harmony between all religions, no starvation, incredible cures for all known illnesses and mass genocide of traffic wardens, solicitors, estate agents, telesales persons and spammers :)
So Youtube say the changes are to try stop trolls in the comments. Part of the fun about Youtube is reading all the comments :thumb:

And one day soon there will be world peace, harmony between all religions, no starvation, incredible cures for all known illnesses and mass genocide of traffic wardens, solicitors, estate agents, telesales persons and spammers :)

Yowsah. It's about choices... e.g. "I choose Vimeo over YouTube" :

(Mebbe we need mo' better video tags here. :fool: )
I tend to forget about Vimeo, me bad, but yes, they are better.

I've found they host lots of music vids that Youtube seem to take great delight in banning from their site.
Perhaps I moaned a little bit to soon. New changes aren't that bad once you have had a go, and I hardly even notice Google Minus is there :thumb:
Oh aye.

And one day soon there will be world peace, harmony between all religions, no starvation, incredible cures for all known illnesses and mass genocide of traffic wardens, solicitors, estate agents, telesales persons and spammers :)

Apparently slated for 1st April 2014. :D