Google to open Online Payment Processor


Feb 23, 2002
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Google is planning to open an online payment processor, similar to PayPal later on this year. Yahoo and other companies have tried to compete in the past, but have proved unsuccessful. This is one area that google should be able to have more success.

This move will be bad news for eBay, who own the largest online payment service so far (PayPal) - this account for $233.1 million of eBay's total revenue.

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Nice one Ian.......A little bit of competition didn't do anybody any harm...:D And Paypal have had it all there own way for too long....Perhaps now they'll have to buck there Ideas up a bit...They only cover you after the first £50 and thats always been one of my bugbears, because almost 80% of transactions are below this amount...
Competetion is always a good thing, hopefully it'll drive the unfair charges down a bit.

I know I'll go with whoever charges less.
yes , I agree and I just hope that Google will achive to bring it worldwide faster than paypal , as it hasn't arrived into all countries yet ....