Google to Buy DoubleClick ...


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Adverts, more adverts ... and even more intrusive adverts.

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Well, they have two choices as far as I'm concerned ...

1. Bin DoubleClick
2. I bin Google

I'm already "testing" out a newish search program ... WebFetch ... it is not a search engine in it's own right, and, uses Google anyway, but, with a bit o' luck, I won't "see" doublclick rear its ugly head on my PCs.

Yeah mucks, not really good news. I'm quite surprised that Google would actually go and buy DoubleClick as their advertisements are a pain.

I wouldn't go as far as binning Google alltogether as they have some nice stuff in their portfolio of freely available solutions.

WebFetch is a nice program, it appears to be API'd in with the search engines, taking raw search data but i'm not entirely sure about that.
I don't think we will "see" anything with the DblC Monika on it ... Google are after their technology.

But, it still goads me. ;)
A search engine which lacks adverts and protects your privacy (so it says) is Ixquick Metasearch it has similar features to Google, such as an web search, image search, international telephone directory and lowest price search. Sometimes worth a go. :thumb:
Google does seem to be buying up a whole lot of sites and companies at the moment. I'm quite happy with google as I quite like the way they go about things and they offer lots of free goodies with the small snag of quite discrete advertising such as google maps (much better than the ad plastered msn/yahoo portals imo). It will be worrying if they get control of lots of online real-estate and then switch to much more ad aggressive means though.

I do hope that other companies like Yahoo and MSN step up a gear as they seem to be lagging behind. That ixquick site looks interesting, pooling results from all engines to get refined results.
As far as I can see , the DoubleClick purchase has put Google about 2-years ahead of their closest competition. They have the teams in place to move quickly, adding functionality as required.

Whereas Yahoo still haven't even got certain programs out of the US
I agree with what Ian has said. For all the criticism Google does provide a good service plus many free goodies.

As in outside world, monopolies can be a bad thing, hence if the competition continues to lag so far behind, it is just a matter of time before we'll be reading "Google own tha Internet". :)