Google maps, and red x on images

Apr 5, 2006
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Hello all

Apologies in advance if this has already been covered, but a general search on Google has not helped.

I have a family windows Vista desktop with 4 users. I (being the owner) can access and use google maps ok, but the rest of the family cannot view the maps (gets an error message "we are sorry, we dont have maps at this zoom level.....") However, if you then switch to satellite the sat image is fine. In addition all web images have a red x instead of the picture) for the other family members.......but not me.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.

Hi Si,

Do you have any anti-virus software, parental controls or other similar software that might interfere with your connection/browsing?
Hi Ian, thanks for taking time to get back to me.

We have standard windows security and free AVG firewall, thats all at present. No parental controls (not switched on by me anyway). Because it has not affected me, I cannot nail a date and as usual the rest of the family cannot recall any particular point intime when it became a problem..... Not life threatening, but v frustrating - especially as I have just bought wife a Garmin GPS running aid which overwrites her running routes in Google maps (well it should do!). The error message in Gmaps is repeated about 9 times in grid sectors over where the map pic should be.

Kindest, Si
welcome to PCR

Sounds like programmes are not installed for ALL users. You may have to "install" programmes for each user.

I'm a little concerned by your comment ... standard windows security ... & AVG firewall (maybe blocking sites anyway)

Windows does not have any security except it's own firewall, which is more than adequate for the home user.

May I suggest you uninstall any AVG product, invoke Windows' own Firewall & download & install Windows' own, very good, anti virus program MS Security Essentials Just a suggestion, its free. ;)
