Google Goggles for Android


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
This looks clever; a new way to search (with no need to type) from your Android phone:
video and story LINKY
This is kinda cool. (yes i got rid of the N97 for a HTC Magic. Much better phone.)
Now that is clever...

Google are getting HUGE now, it's hard to think that they are only a recent company. They are even getting in to the UK property finding business.
The OS on my phone (Android) is made by Google and its great, really slick and the touch interface is top.

Intergration with all the usual Google stuff too. Like when i first added my contacts off my old phone it synced them with my google mail account. Wasn't sure at first but not i've realised its sooooo handy. :)

At the mo i've got a modded version of the OS on it called CyanogenMod

Its quite like Linux with shell commands and terminal windows etc. once you get used to it its very good. :D

I think i may actually be keeping this phone for longer than a few months this time. lol
Well what ever will they think of next!!

I suppose with all those chips that are being made,they have to find some use for them.
historian ;)