Google Earth Update


Feb 23, 2002
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Google Earth has now updated the imagery to a much higher resolution across the UK. If you use this application it's worth checking out the higher res images :)

It may not make a difference if you live in a big city, but where I used to live I could barely make out the town of 40,000 - now I can see our old car on the map.
That's good news Ian - I haven't looked at Google Earth in a little while, although we have it installed on one of the PCs. It's a bit slow on dial-up of course, but well worth the wait :nod: It will be interesting to see whether some of the country areas here in Wales will be clearer, as you indicated, the major towns and cities are great, but trying to look at some of the West Wales villages was pretty much a case of blobs and blotches :D
i wonder how many bank robberies etc they caught on camera when taking the pics. just a thought
Techy said:
i wonder how many bank robberies etc they caught on camera when taking the pics. just a thought

Luckily I was having a day of when they took the pics . Ooooooooooh er though I was skinny dipping .
How real time is Google Earth? Are there any real time applications? Im sure i heard of an application where you could see where a mobile phone was via GPS etc?

Abarbarian said:
Luckily I was having a day of when they took the pics . Ooooooooooh er though I was skinny dipping .

:eek: I just knew there was something familiar about the guy 'mooning' at the camera - but the big slipper gave you away again :p :lol:
bodhi said:
How real time is Google Earth? Are there any real time applications? Im sure i heard of an application where you could see where a mobile phone was via GPS etc?

The default terrain data isn't realtime - it could even be up to 10 years old. You can probably get 3rd party addons for GPS transmitters though - the same for mobile phone tracking but perhaps to only ~50m accuracy.

There's another application like google earth called World Wind ( that has a few extra options if you are interested some cool scientific visualisation tools :)