Google Dsektop Search defects: visited link color, search results sort inconsistency



The importance of effective, web search engine style, HTML page format
results, client-side hard-drive search technology, is hard to

Running Google desktop search (GDS) on the pages stored in my computer,
the search results produced several results from my internet history.
Whether the results were ordered by date or by relevance, I encountered
a serious problem.

The order of the listings in the search results was almost constantly
changing. Moving back and forth between the search results page and the
pages linked to by the search results, every few times I did this, the
order of listings in the search results changed; and, furthermore, the
links in the search results that I had visited, lost their purplish
v-link color, and took on again the blue color of an unvisited link.

Setting the Tools-internet options-settings-'check for newer versions
of stored pages' option to 'NEVER' seemed to reduce this problem but
did not solve it.

Going through the results for internet history and other pages stored
on my computer with GDS, and encountering this problem, was a major
crisis for me. I did not know whether something had gone wrong with
Explorer, Windows, or XP. I felt sick, dizzy, drunk. I thought I was
losing my mind.

GDS would be much more useful to me than it is, if the search result
order remained unchanged in the client side search results page, and if
the visited links in the search results pages retained their visited
link purplish color.

It is true for almost anyone, that their efficiency when using GDS is
greatly impaired, due to the constant shifting in the order of the
results and the color of the links in the results.

If one's ability to use GDS is not due to these GDS defects seriously
impaired to the point where one begins to freak out (become
distraught), one's use of GDS is at a primitive level.

(>>..GDS is at a primitive level.
<BLINKK>How dast yo' accuse all of us fine juntlemen an' ladies, of
bein' at a primitive level! Fry mah hide! Yer a rude an' stoopid fool,
a long winded vahbose yankee nerd. Whut in tarnation yo' need is a fine
dose of G God D Dawgoneed S Sex LOL. Ev'ryone knows, thet by allerin'
GDS t'turn our wawktime into crazy drunk happy hour time, IMHO we aller
GDS t'perfo'm brain surgery on us an' guide us t'higher an' better
places in th' internet wo'ld, as a result of us bein' nauseated by GDS.
Nothin' wrong wif bein' like a drunk. Shet mah mouth! It is th'
brain-daid marijuana users like yo' who is th' liberal problem, dawgone

Sort of like, the young of animals and children playing with GDS while
the "Born free, as free as the wind blows" song provides background

I checked the internet for a discussion of the GDS search results
v-link color problem, and could find the discussion I looked for
NOWHERE. Likewise, re the changing order of the results, zip.

I read about GDS before and after I downloaded it. Plenty of gurus; who
have skewered many unfortunates of the computer world with their sharp
tongues, were gushing about the greatness of GDS. Others were wringing
their hands about its "security flaws". Others were using lots of words
going on and on about this or that relatively unimportant aspect of
GDS. But none of them, even mentioned the vlink color and order of
results problems with GDS.

As a result, I wonder whether the internet world has become a kind of
emperor-has-no-clothes society, filled with millions of people who care
more about appearing to be competent and intelligent, than they care
about actually being competent and intelligent.

Usenet groups are filled with strutting, parading, rude and arrogant
persons, whose main interest in using Usenet, is impressing people with
how laconically rude and intellectually superior they are. They
specialize in insulting those who they secretly plagiarize (they assume
their plagiary will go unnoticed if they insult the plagiary victim).
Likewise, the internet world seems more concerned with appearing to be
competent (not letting on that anything is wrong) than it is interested
in actually getting GDS to function efficiently.

How do the problems I have described above in this post effect Google
WEB search results by combining with Google Web search results? At this
point I do not know; and I almost do not care.


The importance of effective, web search engine style, HTML page format
results, client-side hard-drive search technology, is hard to

Running Google desktop search (GDS) on the pages stored in my
computer, the search results produced several results from my
internet history. Whether the results were ordered by date or by
relevance, I encountered a serious problem.

The order of the listings in the search results was almost constantly
changing. Moving back and forth between the search results page and
the pages linked to by the search results, every few times I did
this, the order of listings in the search results changed; and,
furthermore, the links in the search results that I had visited, lost
their purplish v-link color, and took on again the blue color of an
unvisited link.

Setting the Tools-internet options-settings-'check for newer versions
of stored pages' option to 'NEVER' seemed to reduce this problem but
did not solve it.

Going through the results for internet history and other pages stored
on my computer with GDS, and encountering this problem, was a major
crisis for me. I did not know whether something had gone wrong with
Explorer, Windows, or XP. I felt sick, dizzy, drunk. I thought I was
losing my mind.

GDS would be much more useful to me than it is, if the search result
order remained unchanged in the client side search results page, and
if the visited links in the search results pages retained their
visited link purplish color.

It is true for almost anyone, that their efficiency when using GDS is
greatly impaired, due to the constant shifting in the order of the
results and the color of the links in the results.

If one's ability to use GDS is not due to these GDS defects seriously
impaired to the point where one begins to freak out (become
distraught), one's use of GDS is at a primitive level.

(>>..GDS is at a primitive level.
<BLINKK>How dast yo' accuse all of us fine juntlemen an' ladies, of
bein' at a primitive level! Fry mah hide! Yer a rude an' stoopid fool,
a long winded vahbose yankee nerd. Whut in tarnation yo' need is a
fine dose of G God D Dawgoneed S Sex LOL. Ev'ryone knows, thet by
allerin' GDS t'turn our wawktime into crazy drunk happy hour time,
IMHO we aller GDS t'perfo'm brain surgery on us an' guide us t'higher
an' better places in th' internet wo'ld, as a result of us bein'
nauseated by GDS. Nothin' wrong wif bein' like a drunk. Shet mah
mouth! It is th' brain-daid marijuana users like yo' who is th'

Sort of like, the young of animals and children playing with GDS while
the "Born free, as free as the wind blows" song provides background

I checked the internet for a discussion of the GDS search results
v-link color problem, and could find the discussion I looked for
NOWHERE. Likewise, re the changing order of the results, zip.

I read about GDS before and after I downloaded it. Plenty of gurus;
who have skewered many unfortunates of the computer world with their
sharp tongues, were gushing about the greatness of GDS. Others were
wringing their hands about its "security flaws". Others were using
lots of words going on and on about this or that relatively
unimportant aspect of GDS. But none of them, even mentioned the vlink
color and order of results problems with GDS.

As a result, I wonder whether the internet world has become a kind of
emperor-has-no-clothes society, filled with millions of people who
care more about appearing to be competent and intelligent, than they
care about actually being competent and intelligent.

Usenet groups are filled with strutting, parading, rude and arrogant
persons, whose main interest in using Usenet, is impressing people
with how laconically rude and intellectually superior they are. They
specialize in insulting those who they secretly plagiarize (they
assume their plagiary will go unnoticed if they insult the plagiary
victim). Likewise, the internet world seems more concerned with
appearing to be competent (not letting on that anything is wrong)
than it is interested in actually getting GDS to function efficiently.

How do the problems I have described above in this post effect Google
WEB search results by combining with Google Web search results? At
this point I do not know; and I almost do not care.

Nor do we.

Carey Frisch

relic said:

Nor do we.

The **** doesn't need GDS, he needs ****in' GPS to find his way
back from bedlam to ****ed up reality, the delusional Jew ****.

Did I already express my opinion of the **** being a ****? No?
Oh, well, he's a ****, and a self-opinionated whinging old **** at

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