Google Docs

Mar 5, 2004
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I might be a bit slow on the uptake here, but I've just spotted google docs, and had a look last night. It looks pretty impressive, but I just wondered if anyone used it?

How does it compare to MS Office in terms of power/usability? How do they handle concurrancy control etc?

I'm buying a new laptop soon and was going to fork out for MS Office, but if this is a viable alternative then maybe I won't bother.

bodhi said:
I'm buying a new laptop soon and was going to fork out for MS Office, but if this is a viable alternative then maybe I won't bother.
Take a look at as well.

Yes, I have used it ... there is a thread around here somewhere.

The idea, I think, is to be able to easily 'share' your documents with other people. You have access from any PC and other people that you give permissions can also alter the Data.

Oh, and it's free ...

I kind of get the premise for it. I just wanted to know if it was an adequate replacement for MS Office or Open Office? I.e. Does anyone use it and like it?