Google at work on desktop Linux


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Google is preparing its own distribution of Linux for the desktop, in a possible bid to take on Microsoft in its core business - desktop software.

A version of the increasingly popular Ubuntu desktop Linux distribution, based on Debian and the Gnome desktop, it is known internally as 'Goobuntu'.

Full story

Interesting indeed :D

Thats going to give MS a good kick where it hurts. ;)

I admit it, I like Microsoft.... why, because everything is standard and just works. No messing with drivers anymore, everything is so simply. However, I equally dislike the situation for the very same reason that they control almost all the desktop market! I think google might have more of a grassroots power which can convert users to Linux in a way that Debian/RedHat/Mandrake cannot.

Fingers cross that this goes further than the Lindows push ever did :thumb: Once more people are onboard the Linux boat, I can see things moving much faster.
There is no denying that Linux community is growing at a very rapid speed. With giants like Google and IBM it could mean a big change in the next few years to come. IBM is also aggressively promoting Linux on their website, they have a very informative free newsletter entitled "LinuxLine" which anyone can subscribe to.
very interesting story..hopefully it will be something they release..can only help the linux community
Google's already there in my Suse 10 install, within Firefox, there be a little search window on the top right :)
To Bad,would really loved to have seen it happen..Actually don't understand why they wouldn't release goobuntu..what better way to kick your arch rival in the nuts,then to release an alternative to it's flagship product.

he sure does praise Ubuntu..hmmm might give it a shot again..might fit in with my slackware 10.2 and pclos family :)
Thanks Flopps..came here after reading one of your posts at Bitbendertech where you mentioned this forum.thought i'd give it a look,nice community here :)..
Hi labatts
- nice to see you here! :)