AGP x8
DX 9.0 hardware
Two Display Outputs (2 monitors)
I am thinking of getting the Radeon 9600 128MB (£79.31) or the 256MB version
(£85.19), but just thought I would run it by you folks!.
you need 2 monitors? 9600 isn't an entry level card IMO.... How about a
few bucks more and get video in (AIW) and give them a TV at
the Computer station? I can play the latest games on a 7500 AIW...>120$ at
Mwave and others.
Yes, the PC is going to be used by a skilled *Graphics-Artist* using Adobe
Illustrator with a Wacom graphics tablet. On his set-up at work he uses
*dual-display* so it is part of the brief given to me. As regards the
TV-in-PC, that is taken care of with a separate DVB-T card. I looked at the
quality of AIW TV display and I found it lacking. . .
Before I got to this statement, I was thinking '9600'.... Seems like a
good choice, for the purpose.
Ok, thanks. Seems like the *Cheapest* option for some modern graphics
I would personally get the Radeon 9700 PRO over the 9600.
I'm sure that true for a seasoned gamer who knows his OpenGL from his D3D,
but the 9700Pro is just wasted money from the budget, as I'm aware that 3D
graphics are very low of this clients brief. The reason I want to get
something half-decent is so I can load up a basic 3D game like Quake3 or
Unreal and get them addicted to fraggin MUHAHA!!!!.
Good choice. Stay away from the 9600SE models though, it's much much slower
then a regular 9600. The 256 MB memory might not be necessary for you
either. Even high-end graphic card (9800 and the like) don't fully benefit
from it yet: current programs/games don't require that much. This will
change most likely in the near future though.
Ok thanks. I think I just saw something like a 64bit data bus on the
9600SE? (256Bit on 9800, 128Bit for the 9600). The only reason I was
thinking of getting the 256MB version was that the price difference is about
£6.00 lol, and also it would give my client some *braggin rights*, I mean
you don't expect to get a 256MB graphics card on your first budget PC do you

The main thing here is that I go ATI, I was an nVidia man for the past
several years, but since joining this group and speaking with the likes of
*Strontium* and others I bought myself a tasty Sapphire Atlantis 9800, I
been a big ATi fan since then. .
Thanks all for comments. .
I'll be back!
Wayne ][
Barton (AQXEA) XP2500+ @ 2.2GHz (10x220) - 1.775vCore
CoolerMaster Aero 7 Lite - 3,200rpm
ABIT NF7-S v2.0 (BIOS d20)
512MB Dual TwiSTER PC3500 @ DDR440 1:1 (2.0,3,3,9 - 2.8v)
Sapphire Atlantis 9800 - 3.3ns Samsung (325/290 Default)
WD-SE 240GB (2x120GB) SATA RAID-0 (NTFS - 16k Stripe)
Antec SX630II Mini-Tower Case Inc 300w PSU
2 x CoolerMaster 80mm Blue Neon Fans
WinXP PRO inc. SP1
nVidia Unified v3.13
Cat 3.7 - DX9.0b