Michael said:
Am looking to find a way that will tell me the last time a
MACHINE ACCOUNT logged in. This way I could determine if
a machine needed to be removed from the domain as it no
longer exists.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is NOT a DNS question. But rather an AD question, but I'll try to help
you out.
A machine account is pretty much still an account. Here's a repost from a
previous post months ago that may help:
begin paste:
nc said:
Does anyone know how I can obtain the last login details
for a user(s) from AD or a 2003 Domain Controller (DC) ?
Additionally, does AD replicate all user information
including the user's last login details across all the
DC's within the same domain ?
You can also try this from an older Jerold Shulman post:
This post was the reply to the above post (forget who posted it):
This will only show you the last login time for that user on whichever
domain controller you happen to hit. The last login time is not replicated
between domain controllers. Download DumpSEC from This tool allows you to dump all domain user
accounts with "True last login time".
In addition to what Ace posted the usrstat utility will do that for all
users in the
domain and I believe the AcctInfo.dll Tool that will add another property
page to a
users account in AD will also show you the last logon information. ---
Steve -- Download usrstat. -- Same link as above, but shorter on where to
AcctInfo.dll Tool.
Steve L Umbach
Simon said:
Windows Server 2003 has a nifty new feature in AD users and computers
called Saved Queries, accessed by going to the folder of that name.
One of the predefined saved queries you can run is the last user
logon time.
end paste
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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2000, MCSE+I, MCSA, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory