GOod new computer

Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score

I was thinking of buying a new comp this summer but I wasn't sure what one to buy a mac or pc and if I chose 1 what kind of mac or pc because there are so many out there:confused: i was thinking you guys would know which to buy and I'm kinda on tight budget so I cant spend over 1000$ on the new comp all replies are appreciated!

thx italiankid1:D
ItalianKid1 said:
i live in canada but its ok the site is excellent


:D That particular site is a good one...

Not sure about Delivery though, you will have to look into that :)
the shipping will be fine because my 70 year old parents go done to florida for 2 weeks each summer so i will shipp it to them and then they will drive it back to me and thx for the concerns!
ItalianKid1 said:
the shipping will be fine because my 70 year old parents go done to florida for 2 weeks each summer so i will shipp it to them and then they will drive it back to me and thx for the concerns!

Okay whatever suits you best:D

Oh and if your lookinh at something fairly pricey you could drop, say, the amount of HD space to help toward a better graphics card...

Just a thought :D