Is this a good MoBo+CPU+memory combo to go for?
Abit AV8 VIA Socket 939 ATX Motherboard and AMD Athlon 64 3400+
Processor with 512MB DDR Memory [@TigerDirect - $299 after $130
Sure but I think the AV8 was the board that I saw in the Abit group
when I was looking around which some of the boards needed a bios
upgrade to use the 939 so I was make sure you dot get one like that.
The other thing is a lot of people bash Tiger Direct, its famous with
some groups of consumers who think they are really bad with rebates
and sometimes the claim goes ships returned merchandise as new. Now
there are some that claim theyve gotten better now but I just want to
warn that some groups of consumers seem to really hate TD with a
3400 219
av8 110
memory 60
Yeah you would save about 90 or so if you get the rebate from TD.
Not sure what kind of mem you are getting though from them.
Memory theres tons of deals going on now again with 3200 512 sticks in
the 50-60 range at CC, Compusa, outpost/frys, Office Depot and Max
even Newegg has had deals. Most of the sticks at the retail chains
are PNY, Kingston valueram etc.
Now Ive had great success in the past with brandname cheaper mem and
Ive seen posts where people have claimed Kingston worked with their
boards when more expensive ram didnt. That was when there were lots of
incompatiblities. Usually when a board first comes out there can be
lots of mem incompatiblities -- the nforce2 boards were like that for
a while and the nforce3 boards -- Toms Hardware did a roundup of the
early ones and listed the mem that worked with what boards in one test
cause there seemed to be lots of problems. I dont see as many
problems like that with the nforce4 boards but there maybe some as
they are fairly new.
Now once again Ive seen a post where someone claimed Kingston valueram
was really bad. Im going to test it again overnight with memtest86 and
the other tester when I get my Amd 64 going which should be soon cause
Ive heard the ATI 800XLs are shipping now for preorder customers. I
did test it my sticks - a PNY and Valueram which I got for 58 each
with rebates in a neighbors AMD 754 socket 3200 system and they seemed
worked fine though I didnt test it with memtest86. This was when he
was plagued with problems and I finally traced it to a bad samsung
stick of mem he paid something like 90 for - gross. Massive mem errors
in one stick rightaway.
Anyway the other thing is the 939s are said to OC very well and if you
get 3200 it probably wont OC very well -- many are buying a bit more
expensive higher speed rated mem but I dont really care about that yet
as most of that type mem is really grossly priced though Ive seen
prices coming down a lot recently. I dont think its that great a
deal unless you can get a big discount on it.
If you dont want to risk TD then go for a lesser processor not a big
deal anyway , like a 3200 to save money.
Price ZipZoomfly, Mwave , Monarch , XtremeGear and Newegg as well as
use Pricewatch, Dealtime , pricegrabber etc to check if there are
better deals.