Many thanks!
This is exactly what I was looking for.
- José
I believe you want to see a diagram of the ASP.NET lifecycle. Below
are some places you may find that.
To easily get at the events you can do a few of things...
In C#, type "protected override void " and Intellisense will kick in
and give you lots of options. Instead of overriding the method, you may
instead type "this.Load += " and then hit the tab key. That will also
activate a useful wizard.
In VB.NET you can actually see all of the event handlers in the
drowndown lists at the top of the editor window. The ones you are not
currently coding are in gray and by clicking on it Visual Studio will
add it to your code and place your cursor that. When I went back to C#
from VB.NET that was the feature I miss most.
Here is a diagram...
And here is a description...
Here are the official docs.
Brennan Stehling