That's interesting. He doesn't have a 2005 version. At any rate,
they're probably too basic for me at this point.
The book that really cemented it all for me was Deborah Kurata's
"Doing Objects in VB2005". This talks about the 3-layer approach,
how to set up the Business objects, binding them to the controls
on the forms, and has a bunch of neat basic info that I see asked
in this ng a lot, like how to save settings, how to iterate
through controls, how to use code snippets, etc. Unfortunately,
it's not generally available until March '07.
I'm reading Tim Patrick's Start-to-Finish VB2005. It has a lot
of information in it. There is a *huge* amount of code, and at
times it's almost overwhelming. I can't work on it continuously,
and since I didn't design the application he is building, I'm
having a bit of trouble keeping the details in my mind, so I
finally let that go, and am happily going through the rest of
it. It's very readable, and will be something I come back to
in the future for some keen examples of UI design and how-to
information. It's different from other books in that you end
up building an entire app -- sort of; you use code snippets to
insert the code, and can then peruse it at your leisure.
With Ms. Kurata's book, you also built an entire working app.
It was not as full-featured as Mr. Patrick's, but really helped
me understand classes, inheritance, and (as I said before), the
3-layer model.
I haven't found any great books about WinForms, although the
best book about data binding is by Brian Noyes. Unfortunately,
it's in C#, although he has downloadable examples in VB. He
has some great stuff in there, especially about the DataGridView,
and the added benefit I got from it is that now I'm better at
reading C#. ;-)
Happy reading to all, and to all a good night!
Robin S.
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