Gone Fishing ... do not disturb

but how is that fishing:confused: the whole point in fishing is using the bait casting and reeling in the fish and having the fish fight back! that is real fishing not what was in that video;)But if you do want san easy meal go ahead:p
Wow, I didn't expect to see that. What type of fish is that - anything tasty? :)
I have never done it, but i know people who have. That and lean out of a helicopter with a shotgun in NZ and get deer or similar, then strap the dead animal to the skids of the helicopter, dangle it home and eat it!
christopherpostill said:
I have never done it, but i know people who have. That and lean out of a helicopter with a shotgun in NZ and get deer or similar, then strap the dead animal to the skids of the helicopter, dangle it home and eat it!

Yeah, in New Zealand feral & Goat are classed as noxious pests that breed like crazy & destroy huge swaths of natural habitat & thereby native birds. & without predators (except for man) there is nothing to limit their numbers.
Private individuals who hunt generally hunt them on foot but DOC (dept of conservation) go out & shoot a quota each year using helicopters. & some big Tourist companies make a lot of money taking wealthy overseas tourists with too much money & even more tetosterone out on those 'helicopter hunts'.

Venison for eating, however, is bred on huge farms just the same as sheep or cattle. Although the deer fencing required by such farms is required to fit standards worthy of a prison. Mostly because our plague of feral deer now results primarily from escapees when Deer was introduced in the 80's. Back when Venison became a trendy luxury item & stock was mass imported for farms to cater for the export market.

Much of New Zealand is covered by subtropical rainforest which the deer just demolish & which can take hundreds of years to regrow, if at all. & up on the highcountry....
Because New Zealand has no native predators most of our native species are very vulnerable & have little protection against introduced species. especialy introduced predators. But, after a few millenia of total evolutionary isolation, our native species are very specialised, totally adapted to their environments & simply cannot survive the changes this damage creates. As a country we are crawling with endangered species. Even our national symbol, the kiwi, is on the endangered list. Most of the rest of our flightless birds are already extinct. The stoat, the opossom, the rabbit & the rat are at the head of the list of introduced species that are devastating our wildlife.

Most of the native species here would have died out thousands of years ago anywhere else in the world, or never been able to evolve in the first place. As an isolated country with no native predators or mammalian grazers we were able to evolve a birdlife that was totally unique. Then man came along. RIP.

I don't hunt myself, & don't really understand the 'thrill of the hunt' when it results in the death of a creature (I can't even fish I'm such a wuss). But i have friends who hunt & am well aware that they probably make more contribution towards preserving our natural heritage than my occasional donations do. Really, I fall into that group of people who read the articles & go on about how terrible it all is, but don't actually do anything. To condem those who do would be the ultimate hypocrisy.

Edit: Oh, in general they use a Deer rifle not a shotgun. Can't say as I've ever heard of anyone using a shotgun on Deer! Now that really would be cruel! Pellets going septic in the deer that get away, until they die of septicaemia or gangrene? Now that is disgusting.

Oh, & a piece of trivia, did you know that NZ has the only species of rabbit that don't like carrots? After decades of dropping poisoned carrots all over the country DOC did not succeed in reducing the population of rabbits as far as anyone could tell. but the only ones that were living to breed were of course the ones that didn't like carrots. They tried with grain next untill eventually people managed to persuade them to stop. Once again, unfortunately, hunting does appear to be the only thing to have any real effect. & it is much cleaner & quicker than a slow death from poison.
Once again, without any native predators (eg foxes) there is nothing to keep the numbers down except us folk here. Mind you, the stoats are catching up quick, maybe they'll start to work on the rabbits once all the easy prey are gone.
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