Golden Snowball Awards


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
With most of the UK under a blanket of snow and ice which, as usual, has caused lots of disruption, I thought it might be nice to present a Golden Snowball Award to those who are making a difference - or an effort - to provide service as normal.

I'll nominate our Postie, Dave, who is still managing to deliver mail, on foot, to areas which haven't seen a grain of salt or grit.

Also the Sainsbury's delivery drivers who got through to us this morning - they had to cancel previously, due to some of the roads being closed, but they turned up today with our much-needed grocery supplies. Great service, we appreciate their efforts.

Anyone else deserve a Golden Snowball...?
Me . I drove 274 miles in temperatures of -5 on Wednesday for the Ambulance service for free. ((I did get petrol expenses of course)

Thursday I only did 120 miles but me temp gauge read -10 on the way home at 8 o'clock.

Sun snowy mountains and slithering cornering was a fab day out. :D

Cases of Mulled Wine are the best way to show appreciation.

Also rans :D


Proper Ambulance folk

Rescue services

Anyone who made it into work.

Good on you Abarbarian :bow: :bow: I'll bet all the folk you helped, were very glad (and relieved) to see you too :nod:

Abarbarian said:
Cases of Mulled Wine are the best way to show appreciation.

A glass to be going on with :p



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I think we will need to keep this thread open any way as I think we are going to need it this winter as snow is forecast for the end of October anyway :(
Well, as it happens I am sipping hot blackcurrant juice laced with more-than-an-immense-dollop of Koskenkorva Vodka right now -- using a glass almost identical to that in Taffy's post.

Finnish month names tell us how it goes... first, there is "Autumn Moon" (September), then (=now) there is "Sludge Moon" (October)... followed by "Dead Moon" (November).

So... HEAVILY fortified hot beverages are in order -- will save Glögi for "Cxxxxxxxx Moon" (December), though.