Golden Joysticks 2009


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
Game of the year 2009 was Fallout 3
never played it ...anyone played it ??

Family Game of the Year: LittleBigPlanet

Bliss Handheld Game of the Year: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Retailer of the Year: GAME

Mobile Game of the Year: Metal Gear Solid Touch

Nintendo Game of the Year: Call of Duty: World at War

MSN Multiplayer Game of the Year: Call Of Duty: World At War

The Rampage Soundtrack of the Year: Guitar Hero World Tour

Xbox Game of the Year: Gears of War 2

PC Game of the Year: Fallout 3

Amiqus Games UK Developer of the Year: Jagex

PlayStation Game of the Year: Killzone 2

Publisher of the Year: Activision Blizzard

Online Game of the Year: Left4Dead

ShortList One to Watch: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Ultimate Game of the Year, together with Fallout 3
Yeah man, i have it on xbox 360..i bought it GoW2 and never really got into it. I played it for a bit and then i really got into GoW2 and never went back to Fallout 3....tbh i didn't get very far and never got to like or dislike it.
Will i post it over to ya. You can post it back when you're finished with it lol.
At the moment i'm about half way through GoW2,
4 levels into wolfie,
did the first level in fear 2 and timeshift.
Half way through cod2 and cod3 still to start
and not forgetting i have mass effect ready to go lol.
PM me about Fallout3.
More console fanboyism. :(

PC Game of the year = Fallout 3. Was (and probably still is) one of the most bug ridden games out for the PC...