North for Short
I have a spreadsheet which is connected to another spreadsheet, which I
have called Historical and youv'e guessed it, it contains lots and lots
of data. I have a macro which copies the daily data and transfers it to
the historical data but I want to be able to see the last row of data
and that is where my cusor is. I have asked mates and they have come
up with various formulas but it doesn't want to work. Can anybody help
I have a formula but I can't get it to work
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A: & Lastrow").Select
have called Historical and youv'e guessed it, it contains lots and lots
of data. I have a macro which copies the daily data and transfers it to
the historical data but I want to be able to see the last row of data
and that is where my cusor is. I have asked mates and they have come
up with various formulas but it doesn't want to work. Can anybody help

I have a formula but I can't get it to work

lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A: & Lastrow").Select