Going straight to a registry key?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark M
  • Start date Start date

Mark M

Can I cut and paste a registry key into some address bar somewhere
and then be taken straight to that key?

For example, i would like to go straight to this key. How do I do

In news from this address:
[email protected],
And using this nick: Mark M
From this address: <[email protected]>
Did not consult www.google.com and asked this:

:: Can I cut and paste a registry key into some address bar somewhere
:: and then be taken straight to that key?
:: For example, i would like to go straight to this key. How do I do
:: it?
:: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96A-
:: E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

Run regedit, find, paste the string, select the bottom tick box which is
something about matching whole sting only, hit enter and should take you
there. I don't know of a run command that will let you do this and regedit
/? was not enlightening.


From the Desk of Galen Gregory aka KGIII, GotRoot? or
several obscene phrases not fit for posting in an open forum.

For requests for more information just email me personally at:
(e-mail address removed)

Quote for the day:
"Help and How to Search:
http://www.google.com/help/index.html" - Me for the People in Chat.
Also regshortcut regkey

RegShortcut provides shortcuts to keys or values in the registry. It can be used as a command line utility or by right clicking in a explorer window (or desktop) and choosing New - Registry Shortcut.

RegShortcut /? | RegPath | /Unreg | /New

/? Displays help
RegPath The registry key or value to open in Regedit
/Unreg Removes RegShortcut's registry entries
/New Runs Creates New Registry Shortcut Wizard

a.. RegShortcut works by pretending to press keys. This means that if a user is working on the computer and clicks away from Microsoft's Regedit as it starts then the current application will recieve the key strokes. RegShortcut takes some precautions to guard against this but is not bullet proof.
b.. This is a Visual Basic 6 application. The run time library is not included. Download from ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/vbrun60.exe. To tell if you need to download this file check to see if Msvbvm60.dll is in your Windows\System folder. If it is then the run time libraries are already installed.
c.. RegShortcut registers itself in the registry each time it's run. Therefore to install the file just copy it to any folder and double click the file. Thereafter it will run just by typing it's name. It can be renamed or moved, just start the program and it will register the new name or location.
d.. The Registry key must exist. Keys end with a trailing backslash. Values do not end with a trailing backslash.
e.. If Regedit is already opened, the selection must be in the left hand pane (the tree pane) for the correct key to open.
Download RegShortcut.zip (15K) includes source files

Hi David,

Great to see you here! :o)


Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Also regshortcut regkey

RegShortcut provides shortcuts to keys or values in the registry. It can be
used as a command line utility or by right clicking in a explorer window (or
desktop) and choosing New - Registry Shortcut.

RegShortcut /? | RegPath | /Unreg | /New

/? Displays help
RegPath The registry key or value to open in Regedit
/Unreg Removes RegShortcut's registry entries
/New Runs Creates New Registry Shortcut Wizard

a.. RegShortcut works by pretending to press keys. This means that if a
user is working on the computer and clicks away from Microsoft's Regedit as
it starts then the current application will recieve the key strokes.
RegShortcut takes some precautions to guard against this but is not bullet
b.. This is a Visual Basic 6 application. The run time library is not
included. Download from
ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/vbrun60.exe. To tell if you need to
download this file check to see if Msvbvm60.dll is in your Windows\System
folder. If it is then the run time libraries are already installed.
c.. RegShortcut registers itself in the registry each time it's run.
Therefore to install the file just copy it to any folder and double click
the file. Thereafter it will run just by typing it's name. It can be renamed
or moved, just start the program and it will register the new name or
d.. The Registry key must exist. Keys end with a trailing backslash.
Values do not end with a trailing backslash.
e.. If Regedit is already opened, the selection must be in the left hand
pane (the tree pane) for the correct key to open.
Download RegShortcut.zip (15K) includes source files

::::: Can I cut and paste a registry key into some address bar
::::: somewhere and then be taken straight to that key?
::::: For example, i would like to go straight to this key. How do
::::: I do it?
::::: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36
::::: E96A- E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
::: Run regedit, find, paste the string, select the bottom tick box
::: which is something about matching whole sting only, hit enter
::: and should take you there. I don't know of a run command that
::: will let you do this and regedit /? was not enlightening.
:: This can be very slow as it has to go through all the registry text
:: to find the key.

Yes, yes it does. But until a few moments ago I didn't know about this
newfangled thingy called regshortcut but I bet that's probably pretty much
as slow as the other as it probably has to go through the keys as well. If
they'd stated what they wanted a bit more clearly I'd have recommended that
they make a simple regedit file to make the changes themselves that way.
It's easy enough if you KNOW what you're going to change (such as a value
from (1) to (0) for instance.

I seem to recall lavasoft having a handy dandy reg tool but now that this
idea has occurred to me I'm going to go ahead and dig for more information
on the subject and probably will post my finding somewhere public though
they may end up in the DTS group for their review first.

I wonder if a nice handy Delphi app would be able to do this quickly and

This, of course, makes me reasonably excited and means it something good for
me to research and find new information about and hopefully will be able to
find a nice answer suitable for a FAQ posting when I get around to that...
I need to take the next week off and set it up so that I could just
concentrate on some much needed labor of love.


From the Desk of Galen Gregory aka KGIII, GotRoot? or
several obscene phrases not fit for posting in an open forum.

For requests for more information just email me personally at:
(e-mail address removed)

Quote for the day:
"Help and How to Search:
http://www.google.com/help/index.html" - Me for the People in Chat.
:: Hi Mark,
:: Start/Run/Regedit/Edit/Find.
:: --
:: All the Best,
:: Kelly

That's what I said Kelly but they trampled on me like a herd of giant
elephants... It's the only solution I know of at this time. However, now I'm
_mad_ (eager grin) and I'm gonna find me a way to do this if it takes all

:) Galen :)
David Candy said:
RegShortcut provides shortcuts to keys or values in the
registry. It can be used as a command line utility or by right
clicking in a explorer window (or desktop) and choosing New -
Registry Shortcut.

RegShortcut /? | RegPath | /Unreg | /New

/? Displays help
RegPath The registry key or value to open in Regedit
/Unreg Removes RegShortcut's registry entries
/New Runs Creates New Registry Shortcut Wizard

a.. RegShortcut works by pretending to press keys. This means
that if a user is working on the computer and clicks away from
Microsoft's Regedit as it starts then the current application
will recieve the key strokes. RegShortcut takes some
precautions to guard against this but is not bullet proof.

-- snip --

I can't get Regshortcut to work with my XP Pro. I didn't have
Msvbvm60.dll so I dwnloaded it to c:\windows\system and rebooted.
Then I unzipped Regshortcut.

I exported a valid key from the registry and then tried using
Regshortcut as follows from the popup "Run" menu (WinKey + R):

regshortcut HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Java VM
regshortcut HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Java VM\

Neither worked. Each time I got a Regshortcut error message saying
that the key does not exist. But the key does exist and it was
exported fully valid.

Can anyone advise me how to get this to work?
I used "RegEdit Plus" in Win98 which would do this, but I don't know if it
works in XP or not. Does anyone know?