I have a form that users use to enter inspection data. The unique index is
based on a combination of two fields, LotNumber and SubLot. If a user tries
to enter a LotNumber and SubLot number combination that already exists a
message box pops up telling them that. I want them to be able to find that
record if the combination already exists. I have added two text boxes and a
command button to the form, called txtLotNumber and txtSubLot and Srchcmd. I
want them to be able to type the Lot Number and Sub lot number in the
respective box and then click the command button which will take them to the
record they need. I found the listed below and it works but only to find the
lot number how can I include the sub lot number? Please help!!
'GJT 25-01-02
Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
Dim strStudentRef As String
Dim strSearch As String
'Check txtLotNumber for Null value or Nill Entry first.
If IsNull(Me![txtLotNumber]) Or (Me![txtLotNumber]) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a value!", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Search Criterion!"
Exit Sub
End If
'Performs the search using value entered into txtLotNumber
'and evaluates this against values in LotNumber
DoCmd.GoToControl ("LotNumber")
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!txtLotNumber
strStudentRef = LotNumber.Text
strSearch = txtLotNumber.Text
'If matching record found sets focus in LotNumber and shows msgbox
'and clears search control
If strStudentRef = strSearch Then
MsgBox "Match Found For: " & strSearch, , "Congratulations!"
txtLotNumber = ""
'If value not found sets focus back to txtLotNumber and shows msgbox
MsgBox "Match Not Found For: " & strSearch & " - Please Try
Again.", _
, "Invalid Search Criterion!"
End If
End Sub
I have a form that users use to enter inspection data. The unique index is
based on a combination of two fields, LotNumber and SubLot. If a user tries
to enter a LotNumber and SubLot number combination that already exists a
message box pops up telling them that. I want them to be able to find that
record if the combination already exists. I have added two text boxes and a
command button to the form, called txtLotNumber and txtSubLot and Srchcmd. I
want them to be able to type the Lot Number and Sub lot number in the
respective box and then click the command button which will take them to the
record they need. I found the listed below and it works but only to find the
lot number how can I include the sub lot number? Please help!!
'GJT 25-01-02
Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
Dim strStudentRef As String
Dim strSearch As String
'Check txtLotNumber for Null value or Nill Entry first.
If IsNull(Me![txtLotNumber]) Or (Me![txtLotNumber]) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a value!", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Search Criterion!"
Exit Sub
End If
'Performs the search using value entered into txtLotNumber
'and evaluates this against values in LotNumber
DoCmd.GoToControl ("LotNumber")
DoCmd.FindRecord Me!txtLotNumber
strStudentRef = LotNumber.Text
strSearch = txtLotNumber.Text
'If matching record found sets focus in LotNumber and shows msgbox
'and clears search control
If strStudentRef = strSearch Then
MsgBox "Match Found For: " & strSearch, , "Congratulations!"
txtLotNumber = ""
'If value not found sets focus back to txtLotNumber and shows msgbox
MsgBox "Match Not Found For: " & strSearch & " - Please Try
Again.", _
, "Invalid Search Criterion!"
End If
End Sub