Go to record from list box

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kyle
  • Start date Start date


I have a list box which query the record current enter by
user. I would like the user able to click on any record on
the list box and the information for that record is display

Currently, user click on any record from the list box does
not go to that record and display.

Thanks for any help.
Try creating a listbox using the wizard. The 3rd option of "find a record
based on the value I selected in the list" is what you want.

To use the wizard, just make sure the little magic wand is selected in the
toolbox BEFORE you select the listbox, and then drop it onto the form. Give
the above a try...
Use the list box as the filter for the data source for the sobform or
text box that will contain the required information.
Post more details on your design for more specific answer.

The list box contains the query from EmployeeName, Initial
& Time/Date fields as required information. I would like
is when user click the record in the list box; the
information will appear back on the EmployeeName, Initial,
time/date and plus other fields information on the form (my
list box is below the fields).

Looks to me that you want to bound the form fields to the table fields
that you want to display, then use your listbox to go to the required
record. Make list box unbound. In the list box after update event, enter:

Me.Recordset.MoveFirst "RecordID = " & Me.ListBox

assuming that RecordID is the columne returned by the list box and it is
the name of the column in the table underlying the form.

Good luck,