Steven Greenberg
Greetings all again,
I'm changing the way a database that I created to keep track of blood
glucose levels works and decided to "prefill" the date field for a complete
year to make entering data for my dad easier (he is quite naive with
computers). what I need to do now is have the form open up to the first
date that doesn't have values for the morning noon and night readings
instead of him having to search out the date.
for example the table would look like this:
date Morn Noon Night
2/1/05 100 120 100
2/2/05 120 110 90
When he next opens the form, I would like it to go to the 2/3/05 date
automatically. As most of you know, I am fairly knowlegable in VB and VBA,
I just don't want to rack my brains on this right now.
I suppose the docmd.gotorecord would work, but how do I tell it to check
the fields to find the first record that has three blank values? If I
played around with it I could probably work it out, but I've got other more
important things to worry about right now. If anyone has a suggestion, I
would appreciate hearing about it.
I'm changing the way a database that I created to keep track of blood
glucose levels works and decided to "prefill" the date field for a complete
year to make entering data for my dad easier (he is quite naive with
computers). what I need to do now is have the form open up to the first
date that doesn't have values for the morning noon and night readings
instead of him having to search out the date.
for example the table would look like this:
date Morn Noon Night
2/1/05 100 120 100
2/2/05 120 110 90
When he next opens the form, I would like it to go to the 2/3/05 date
automatically. As most of you know, I am fairly knowlegable in VB and VBA,
I just don't want to rack my brains on this right now.
I suppose the docmd.gotorecord would work, but how do I tell it to check
the fields to find the first record that has three blank values? If I
played around with it I could probably work it out, but I've got other more
important things to worry about right now. If anyone has a suggestion, I
would appreciate hearing about it.