If your example is an accurate representation, then it is clear that the
Link Master Fields and Link Child Fields of the Subform control are not
TestNo, as might be inferred, and as would appear to be the correct link
fields. I believe John Vinson asked you what fields you used for this
purpose and you did not reply -- it's a Really Good Idea to carefully read
the questions people who are trying to help you ask, and respond to each.
It's difficult at best to debug remotely; without the necessary information
it is impossible.
Larry Linson, Microsoft Office Access MVP
Co-author: "Microsoft Access Small Business Solutions", published by Wiley
Access newsgroup support is alive and well in USENET
What's the Recordsource for the child form? What's the Master/Child link
field? Is the subform based on a sorted query (sorted by test number, by
date, something else, or no sort specified)? Is it important to SEE the
records with non-null test dates or would it be appropriate to instead
the subform on a query selecting only the incomplete records?
John W. Vinson [MVP]
Microsoft's replacements for these newsgroups:
and see alsohttp://
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The record source is a table (main table tblTest with TestNo
(autonum), TestName (text).
Subform is a table linked to main table TestID (auto), TestNo (num),
Test #, Tester, Test Date.
I am already filtering the form to only show one test and all the test
dates that go to that test number. Now when it opens I just need it
to jump down to the first incomplete record (missing test date). But
all data needs to show on form whether it is complete or incomplete.
Hope this makes sense and answers your questions.
I have tried an on Open event procedure to set the focus to the Date
of Test field but I can't get it to move to first null record.