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I'm trying to add employee pictures and other information such as drivers
licences to my database much like the Northwind sample db but need hel;p in
getting started. Cannot see were the pictures are stored in the sample
sacredarms said:
I'm trying to add employee pictures and other information such as drivers
licences to my database much like the Northwind sample db but need hel;p
getting started. Cannot see were the pictures are stored in the sample

For the "best" way to do it, have a look at:


you can import everything right into your own database.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Free MS-Access downloads:
I downloaded picture 2k, do I link to it or import it to my database. All
help appreciated.


Hi Joe,

I just looked at Arvin's sample. To answer your question, import

three forms: frmCreateTable, frmMain and frmPicture
one report: rptPicture and
three modules: modCallPath, modPath_File and modUtility

into your database. (You might want to first verify that you do not have any
forms, reports or modules with the same name). Make sure that your database
includes a checked reference to the "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library", and
that it is higher in priority than a reference to "Microsoft ActiveX Data
Objects 2.X Library", if you have a reference set to this library (ADO). To
do this, open one of the modules that you imported. Then click on Tools >
References. You should see the DAO library as a checked reference in the
list. Dismiss the references dialog by clicking OK. Then make sure that your
code compiles, by clicking on Debug > Compile ProjectName. Correct any
compile errors if required. Close the module.

To use this functionality in your database, you simply need to open the
frmMain form.

You might want to take a look at this article for hints on how to make minor
modifications to the code, so that reference priority will not be a possible
bug waiting to bite you in the future:

ADO and DAO Library References in Access Databases

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP
