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/3iff //ullins

Downloading All Mail The user will be able to download a copy of every
message from their Gmail account. It will be organized and labeled
just as it is on the server. Your filters will still be in effect.

Messages All actions that Gmail provides will be available. Archiving,
Trashing, Labeling, 'Deleting Forever,' Marking read & unread, and
starring. The full message bodies will be viewable inside the program.

Message Forwarding There have been many programs trying to allow users
to forward their old mail into Gmail. GmailerXP will allow the user to
do this from a number of formats, 'mbox' and 'pst' being among them.

Starring I personally do not really use this feature, but it will be
available in a very similar interface as Gmail.

Filters Users will be able to manage their filters, (Create new, Edit,
Delete). Gmail allows for 20 filters, some have said a few more.
GmailerXP will give the user two options- either use the filters on
Gmail and then when they run out, start making filters locally, Option
2- do away with their online filters completely, and use the local
ones only which will intercept all incoming mail and label it and move
it accordingly. Local filters may have a few more options than the
standard Gmail ones.

Labels The user will be able to manage labels, and bulk delete if they
so choose. They can create new labels, edit existing ones, and delete
at will.

Contacts The user will be able to manage contacts, and do all
operations already provided by Gmail (Adding, Editing, Deleting) as
well as import contacts from a number of different formats. The user
will also be able to export (backup) their contacts to a number of
different formats.

Settings & Preferences All of the user's preferences and settings
(Signature, Display Name, and Reply-To Address) will be manageable
from within GmailerXP; The user will also be able to change their
Gmail password if they so choose.

Sending Messages The user will be able to compose and send new mail.
The mail will be saved in their Gmail account under sent messages.

Drafts The user will be able to save drafts locally. Now even though
Gmail hasn't come out with this feature yet, GmailerXP will save the
'drafts' locally and they can be used just as if they were on the

Multiple Accounts GmailerXP will support multiple accounts, (even
though Gmail discourages such behavior ) The user will be able to
switch between accounts whilst using the program.

Stats The user's Disk quota and space used information will be visible
at all times to the user.

Notification GmailerXP will notify the user of all incoming messages
as they arrive with a ballon tooltip that when clicked will open the
program and point the user to the message.
whoops, sorry but only the source files are available so far...

but what the hey, it looks promising!

Nyy lbh unir gb qb gb frr gur npphenpl bs zl gurfvf vf ybbx nebhaq
lbh. Ybbx, va cnegvphyne, ng gur crbcyr jub, yvxr lbh, ner znxvat
nirentr vapbzrf sbe qbvat nirentr wbof -- onax ivpr cerfvqragf,
vafhenapr fnyrfzna, nhqvgbef, frpergnevrf bs qrsrafr -- naq lbh'yy
ernyvmr gurl nyy qerff gur fnzr jnl, rffragvnyyl gur jnl gur
znaardhvaf va gur Frnef zrafjrne qrcnegzrag qerff. Abj ybbx ng gur
erny fhpprffrf, gur crbcyr jub znxr n ybg zber zbarl guna lbh -- Rygba
Wbua, Pncgnva Xnatnebb, nalobql sebz Fnhqv Nenovn, Ovt Oveq, naq fb
ba. Gurl nyy qerff shaal -- naq gurl nyy fhpprrq. Ner lbh pngpuvat
ba? -- Qnir Oneel, "Ubj gb Qerff sbe Erny Fhpprff"
Paul said:
Doesn't this require the Microsoft .NET framework? It doesn't say so on
their site, but I seem to remember reading that somewhere . . .if so, the
23mb download would definitely reduce its attractiveness for me!

Yes, it does:

From: "Jay" <[email protected]>
Date:Wed, 11 Aug 2004 22:25:42 -0700
Local: Wed, Aug 11 2004 10:25 pm
Subject: Requirements for running this exe?
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When i tried running the exe i got the following error.

"The appliaction failed to initialize properlt( 0xc0000135 ). Click OK
to terminate the application."

Is there any other software that i need to install to run this


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Abiel Jaquez Aug 11, 10:31 pm show options New!
From: Abiel Jaquez <[email protected]>
Date:Thu, 12 Aug 2004 00:31:31 -0500
Local: Wed, Aug 11 2004 10:31 pm
Subject: Re: Requirements for running this exe?
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You need to have the .NET framework installed, you can obtain the
redistributable here: