*-----Original Message-----[vbcol=seagreen]
Has anyone figured out a way to get Outlook 2003 working
with Gmail? There should be a way to do this but I can't
get it working. Thanks for any help![/vbcol]
anonymous wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
i really doubt that you can do this because outlook and
gmail are like apples and oranges. plus, i do not think
the google guys care to be microsoft compatible...sorry.[/vbcol]
Lanwench [MVP - Exchange] wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
Has nothing to do with being compatible with Microsoft - Google
doesn't offer POP or IMAP access to gmail, which is really what one
would need to use it with any mail client.[/vbcol]
Doesnt work. Gives an error message. Try using this. Dint work for
me. Tell me if it works for you ppl
Some alternatives that may be what you want....
Pop Goes the Gmail (PGtGM) 1.0
eMail2Pop 3.0
Donesn't do everything, but gives you the idea of what can/cannot be
<- Shenan ->
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