Gmail Error

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I keep getting an error when setting up gmail on windows mail.

Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server
Response: '-ERR not supported 38pf5143300nza', Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes,
Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18

I followed the directions on gmail and I keep getting this error.
This error means you are asking the server to do something
it does not support. Uncheck "Log on using Secure Password

Gary VanderMolen
Firstly, make sure you have enabled POP3 settings actually on the Gmail site

Ensure you have your OUTGOING mail set to your Internet Service Provider's
mail server NOT what Gmail TELLS you to set it as on their website. It won't
work despite what THEY tell you (I found this out the hard way when trying
to configure mine and my husband's gmail accounts for Outlook Express and
then Windows Mail.

Also make sure that you have the outgoing port set to 25 and the incoming to
995 and the "This server requires a secure connection" box checked on the
advanced tab.

Hopefully this should help you out.

You're the first one I have heard of for whom Gmail' s outgoing server
does not work. It works fine for me and many others.

Gary VanderMolen
configure Windows Mail

Tools - Accounts - your gmail account - Properties

Servers Tab:
incoming server =
outgoing server =

uncheck [ ] Log on using Secure Password Authentication

Outgoing Mail Server
check the box for [ x] My Server Requires Authentication

Advanced Tab:
Server port numbers:
Outgoing 465
Incoming 995
Both my husband's and mine would not work. Maybe something to do with our
ISP *shrugs*

OK, it HAS to work if set up right.

Firstly you need to go to your Google Account via Web Mail and make sure it
is set to download to Pop3 within the settings that are there. Nothing will
work unless this is done FIRST.

Then in Windows Mail and in TOOLS/ACCOUNTS and look at the GMail account you
have set up.


On the GENERAL Tab, make sure there is a tick in the "Include this account
when sending" box

On the SERVERS Tab
Your E-Mail username is the full E-mail address i.e. (e-mail address removed)
Tick "Remember Password"
NO tick in "Log on using Secure Password Authentication"
TICK My "Server Requires Authentication"
Under the SETTINGS Button to right of last one just a tick in the top box
"Use same settings etc"


Just leave that blank


Just have 3DES as the Algorithm, nothing else needed on this page

On the ADVANCED Tab (and do these in order as they can change each other)

For OUTGOING: TICK "This server requires a SSL". It should then put the
Port to 465, if it doesn't make it that

For INCOMING: TICK "This server requires a SSL". It should then put the
Port to 995, if it doesn't make it that

Nothing else on this page is needed to be ticked

DON'T FORGET to click APPLY at the bottom

That HAS to work. If not then those ports are being blocked by either your
Firewall (turn Firewall off to prove this) or by your ISP (need to call
them) or possibly even your Router (go into set-up page for your Router or
call the Router Manufacturers Help desk)

Well we got it working with the outgoing mail server as our isp. It simply
refused to work any other way (even with step by step instructions from
Gmail and a friend who has gmail helping along the way). This was how it was
setup with OE and then later with Windows Mail.
