Has anyone used Office Depot Premium Glossy paper with the Canon i860 printer?
Is the result as good as using Canon glossy paper?
Not with a Canon i860, but with a Canon S900 . . . same difference.
Having tried pretty much ALL of the paper options in an effort to save
a few bucks. Kodak came out the very worst, to the point of being
totally unusable! So when OD announced their 2-for1 sale, being a bit
skeptical, I tried a single package. The results were so good that I
went back and bought another 800 sheets of the stuff; cleaning out the
entire stock of two OD stores in the process!
Although it is not quite up to the quality of the ultra expensive
Canon Photo Pro, it ranks as a close second best. Colour rendition was
perfect . . . virtually identical to Canon Photo Pro. The only
difference I observed, was that unlike Canon Photo Pro, with it's
ultra flawless glassy surface, OD evidenced an ever-so-insignificant
surface ripple effect.
Without doubt, no manufacturer has ever been able to approach the
excellence of Canon Photo Paper Pro. But beyond those photos that
demand the VERY best, OD paper is definitely a valid second option.