Earl Anderson
At work, my department uses a customized A2k3 db for most of the processes
needed for our various jobs. I have somehow become the departmental db
guru. I've been asked to make the forms in the db "more user friendly" by
highlighting the textboxes which have the focus with the 'light orange'
backcolor. I know I can go into design view of each form, select each txtbx
control (collectively) and then 'Format-->Conditional Formatting-->at
Condition 1-Field Has Focus-->'light orange' background color-->OK. This is
relatively simple, except with 283 forms in this departmental db, the
process could become tedious & tiresome. Is there a programmatically way of
globally coding the function for every form in the db (283) to accomplish
this tedious task so that any form in the db when opened has the 'focused'
field's background as 'light orange'?
needed for our various jobs. I have somehow become the departmental db
guru. I've been asked to make the forms in the db "more user friendly" by
highlighting the textboxes which have the focus with the 'light orange'
backcolor. I know I can go into design view of each form, select each txtbx
control (collectively) and then 'Format-->Conditional Formatting-->at
Condition 1-Field Has Focus-->'light orange' background color-->OK. This is
relatively simple, except with 283 forms in this departmental db, the
process could become tedious & tiresome. Is there a programmatically way of
globally coding the function for every form in the db (283) to accomplish
this tedious task so that any form in the db when opened has the 'focused'
field's background as 'light orange'?