Most of the problems solved by removing Add-Ins are because the Add-Ins are
poorly written, not because of anything wrong with Word. I am an amateur, a
lawyer, not a programmer. I can write an Add-In that will do what the
professional ones do that does not trigger these problems. I've written a
number. I've installed others written by people that are posted on the
Internet. I don't install or use Add-Ins that change because I
think they are intrusive and because if that is the level of programming in
the Add-In it lowers my trust for the rest.
The logo is for people recognized as valuable contributors by Microsoft, but
the people given that title are not Microsoft employees.
You may want to read information on MVPs and on how to get help that you
can find on the MVP FAQ site (below).
Again, comments (good, bad or rants) posted here probably never will be seen
by anyone working for Microsoft. I guess if it feels good to do it, no one
can stop you.
Charles Kenyon
See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.
KateBB said:
The link you sent me to displays a Microsoft logo and looks quite official:
How can a nonofficial spokesman display the company logo? Excuse me for
being so ignorant, I, a published author, a college graduate, an experienced
In the meantime, most fixes for this terrible ongoing problem suffered by
so many people posting on these pages involve removing add-ins, each of
which has utility, a utility which must be sacrificed so that Word can work
properly. (And the fixes didn't even work for me.) I continue to be
outspoken here because, y'know, I just have a sneaking suspicion that
Microsoft reads these pages once in a while.