Currently I am trying to convert a rather large ASP web app (1700+ files) to
..NET, but I'm having trouble using the FSO in my global.asa file. The
following code sends IIS into never-never land when it gets to Set oTF = ...
Function ReadFile(sFileSpec)
Dim oFS ' Scripting FileSystemObject
Dim oTF ' Textfile Object
Set oFS = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If oFS.FileExists(sFileSpec) Then
Set oTF = oFS.OpenTextFile(sFileSpec, 1, True)
ReadFile = oTF.ReadAll()
Set oTF = Nothing
Application("Global_Abort") = Application("Global_Abort") _
& sFileSpec & " does not exist"
ReadFile = ""
End If
Set oFS = Nothing
End Function
I have to usually run iisreset to get it straight again. My current
environment is Win XP Pro SP2 and VS 2005 Beta 1. Due to current operational
needs I have to keep my ASP & ASP.NET running together during the transition.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
..NET, but I'm having trouble using the FSO in my global.asa file. The
following code sends IIS into never-never land when it gets to Set oTF = ...
Function ReadFile(sFileSpec)
Dim oFS ' Scripting FileSystemObject
Dim oTF ' Textfile Object
Set oFS = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If oFS.FileExists(sFileSpec) Then
Set oTF = oFS.OpenTextFile(sFileSpec, 1, True)
ReadFile = oTF.ReadAll()
Set oTF = Nothing
Application("Global_Abort") = Application("Global_Abort") _
& sFileSpec & " does not exist"
ReadFile = ""
End If
Set oFS = Nothing
End Function
I have to usually run iisreset to get it straight again. My current
environment is Win XP Pro SP2 and VS 2005 Beta 1. Due to current operational
needs I have to keep my ASP & ASP.NET running together during the transition.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.