Give parameters to a HelpFileName string

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I'm having difficulties with a customized help system we have.
As it is common to different apps, there is a common entry point, a page
called StartHelp.html which contains some scripts and has a table with
corresponding helpID and help file names (not only html file. It can be pdf
or whatever).
Something like:
ID1 | pageXYZ.html
ID2 | somefile.pdf
ID3 | someJPGfile.jpg
ID4 | superPage.html

It then displays the corresponding file into a framed html page.

Originally we were using helpproviders and very simple html files. With this
new help system I thought it'd be fine and did that:
myHelpProvider.HelpFileName = "<path>/StartHelp.html?helpID=myID,lang=en-EN";

With <path> being either "c://somepath" or "file://somepath"

And guess what... It does not work.

If you call a regular html page with parameters from internet explorer there
is no problem, they are just unused parameters (at least apparently, if I'm
not mistaken).

However if I add a ? into the HelpFileName string of my helpprovider I have
an exception telling me the access path contains unauthorized characters.
The thing is if I copy/paste the HelpFileName string into IE's address bar
it works fine.

So my problem is : how can I get a helpprovider to open a html file with
query parameters? (I also tried with a UriBuilder.ToString() without much

Thanks for any help or hints!

- Sitar

Anyone on that one?
We made a system using a temp html file in between but we have a problem
with user rights, as the temp file needs to be created, and some users do not
have that right (and policy that is not supposed to change)


- Sitar