Gigabyte Z77-HD4 Motherboard


Mar 25, 2003
Reaction score
Pure Overclock have reviewed the Gigabyte Z77-HD4 Motherboard which promises good performance for a decent price:

"The standard ATX layout will fit in most cases without any problems. A couple of items that we ran into with this motherboard were the SATA ports. While the SATA ports were placed at the lower section where you typically find them, they decided to face them up rather then at a 90 degree angle. This means if you plan on running crossfire with this board you may encounter some issues here… just something to keep in mind.

While we are on the subject of crossfire, one of the selling points of this board was also its 2-way crossfire; however, the second PCIe slot only runs at 4x and not the full 8x or 16x you may find on other boards. Just keep that in mind. While it may not be a problem, if you are looking to take full advantage of the 8x or 16x lanes, you may want to reconsider.

When it came to performance, the Gigabyte Z77-HD4 performed quite well. As you can see in our benchmarks, at the price point of this board, its performance with the i5 3570k is very good. Its’ a deal that is hard to beat. This board is not an extreme overclocking motherboard, but for a budget-friendly motherboard it overclocked quite well. We acheived a stable 4.6ghz overclock on our i5 3570K. In our overclock benchmarks you can see that it performed better in every benchmark. While you may not plan to run it at 4.6ghz 24/7, it’s always good to know what it can do out of the box."

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