Sonny said:
Does this allow me to share files faster?
Do I need to do anything else?
When they exist they will <grin>. In the meantime, you'll have
to settle for GbE (GigaBit Ethernet).
If your entire LAN path (the NICs at each end and the switch in the
middle) between two nodes is GbE, then you should get higher peak
bandwidth than with 100bTX and much higher than with 10bT, so GbE will
probably lead to faster file transfers. But keep in mind that high
peak bandwidth does relatively little for latency and does nothing for
the accesses to file metadata, so you may not notice any improvement in
file transfer rate of short files.
Other than getting drivers to match the hardware and, maybe, setting
the drivers to use the hardware at top speed, there is nothing you
can do for an existing network path. You can replace your current
PCs with ones that have faster CPUs, more RAM, faster HDs (RAID?), and
faster OSs -- to eliminate other bottlenecks in the file transfer path.
And, you can shop around for smart NICs that off-load some of the TCP/IP
processing, but remember the racing adage:
==> "Speed costs money. How fast do you want to go?"