+Bob+ said:
The programs that MS gives away with the OS are just starter programs.
If you have a need for a capable and complete program in *any* area
there are *always* better tools. This has been true of OS's since long
before MS Windows.
A very valid ethos, although IMO thats not really Microsofts direction
is it?
If it was would they find themselves infront of the EU anti-trust panel
in regards to IE? or what about Media player?
What you are talking about was true in the days of proprietary OS's such
as the Amiga. IMO it certainly has not been true about Microsofts
offering for some time.
I think Microsoft trying to be "jack of all trades" is the problem.
Just an observation, but ask yourself this, is Windows truly a platform
for the user to seek their own software solutions or is it a platform
for Microsoft to sell you more of their own products and the "better
tools" are, according to Microsoft, their own.
"Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui."