Ghosted new hard drive

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I am running WindowsXP Pro w/ service pack 2. I bought a new hard drive and
copied the old one to it. I swapped the old one out and when I try to boot
into windows I can't get past the log in screen. It starts to load the
preferences and then just logs out. I've tried going into safe mode,
debugging, and even running fixboot and fixmbr. Nothing seems to be working
to get the new drive into windows. I was hoping that someone can help me
resolve this issue or clue me in on a work around without having to do a
clean install.
Carl Pantera said:
I am running WindowsXP Pro w/ service pack 2. I bought a new
drive and copied the old one to it.

Exactly how did you do this copy? What software did you use?
Well at first I attempted to use the Maxtor software that came with the
drive, but it failed to copy. It did do the format and fdisk portion. I made
the drive the same as the other FAT32. When I attempted to use the Maxblast
software to copy it never went anywhere. It actually had a warning saying
that the copy may fail due to the source drive files may exceed the size of
the drive. This is impossible. The old drive was a 10GB and the new one is a
200GB. I then proceeded to use Norton Ghost 2003. All went well with the
copy. I am thinking that Windows is stuck thinking that the 10 GB drive is
master. Even after switching them around and the bios detects the 200 as the
master and the 10 as the slave it still will successfully boot into windows
but sees the 10 GB drive as master.
Carl, try disconnecting the 10G drive and then using the Recovery Console
do a Bootcfg /rebuild
The maxtor software or any disk mfg software wont copy xp, its basically
for older windows os.To copy disk to disk,set the new as slave on same ide
chain,format new (run,type:diskmgmt.msc),once its formatted,go to run,type:
XCOPY C:\*.* D:\ /c/h/e/k/r Agree to all in DOS window,D: being
if asigned diffrent,then use that.When DOS window closes,youre thru.
The maxtor software or any disk mfg software wont copy xp, its basically
for older windows os.

This was true when XP was first released but no longer. Last August (2004)
I used the (then) current version of Western Digital's Lifeguard tools to
prepare a drive that was replacing the master XP drive (NTFS). The process
worked perfectly.
The system cannot find some dlls or pagefile because of the drive letter
change. Connect remotely and delete everything from
HKLM\System\CCS\MountedDevices or clone the disks properly.

More precise procedure is here
How To Restore the System/Boot Drive Letter in Windows
Andrew, I know that XCopy works fine on Win9x but I tried it on WinXP
and never could get it to boot. If you know
how to do that let me know.