Trying to access a ghost image that corrupted before completed.
Was ghosting a machine that had hard drive issues just for backup
purposes. I thought I was able to copy all of the important data. But
missed some outlook PST files because they were under in under program
I'm wondering if the ghost image I created can be partially recovered.
When using Ghost explorer it want a second ghost file.
Is there any way to make it skip looking for the next file?
I tried running with option of "-ignoreindex and -corrupt".
Any help would be great. I'm at a loss.
Was ghosting a machine that had hard drive issues just for backup
purposes. I thought I was able to copy all of the important data. But
missed some outlook PST files because they were under in under program
I'm wondering if the ghost image I created can be partially recovered.
When using Ghost explorer it want a second ghost file.
Is there any way to make it skip looking for the next file?
I tried running with option of "-ignoreindex and -corrupt".
Any help would be great. I'm at a loss.