("...windows running..."). Ok, left out some die-hard
DOS-habits and some easy to use practises.
Goal is to make fast repairs a long away with dummies
(more than I am). So when that dreaded total disaster hits
(by babies, trucks, etc.) thing can be explained by phone:
"Take that HD and connect two (different) cables, check
up- and down- positions, plug and go. Don't put HD over
anything metal, just sides connect with metal."
Urk, thats an extremely risky approach for the data.
Asking for a disaster to be compounded.
That level of user has one hell of a capacity for not being
able to do what you have told them to do, properly.
For a small companies fast turn up times might
be critical, theirs customers won't wait days,
maybe only one hour max. no matter the reason.
Sure, but getting the detail wrong would produce
and even bigger catastrophe very quickly indeed.
Mostly an unrecoverable catastrophe in fact.
Identical 1:1 copies are good,
They arent actually, essentially because of the very real
risk of doing that backwards and losing everything and
that being completely unrecoverable when it happens.
thats why differentiate between new and old is difficult.
Yes, but there isnt any easy way to do that.
I guess it might well be feasible to write a frontend for ghost
7.51 that very carefully checks that is purportedly the source
and destination drives and only does the clone when its satisfied
that it has identified the drives correctly, but it would be quite
hard to ensure that some clown doesnt decide that your app
is having a brain fart and not allowing the clone to be done,
and decides to run ghost directly himself.
Yes, those RAID's are too bulky and expensive.
Trying just to keep things simple for simple people,
Difficult with cloning, essentially because the result
of cloning backwards is so catestrophic for the data.
anything more complicated is too prone to user errors
for people which don't do those things everyday,
without hurry, dead tired or any former background.
Sure, the problem is obvious. The solution is much harder tho.
Particularly with ghost. Its got a nasty habit of leaving the system
in an unusable state if the cloning operation fails for whatever reason.
Thats recoverable, but recovery isnt that easy to do remotely by phone.
It isnt even that easy to say develop your own CD that the dummy
just boots and runs, say hiding ghost so the dummys cant try running
it themselves. The problem would be getting them the CD that quickly.
Guess if they arent casual customers who ring up after the disaster has
happened it might be sort of viable to give them the CD in advance of
need, but the buggers are sure to not be able to find it when they need it.
If they arent casual customers that call after the disaster has struck,
it may well be quite straight forward to install your own recovery
system on their system in advance of disaster. Sort of like the way
the laptops etc do recovery. But in this case using a true clone of
the drive thats updated say daily etc. Your system effectively just
boots off the clone instead and completely automates that so the
user doesnt need to do anything to the hardware.
Even thats not completely bullet proof tho unless you have
some form of password that the user doesnt get until they
ring you up and ask you what to do to recover.
Doing things backward cant happen if its automated.
Corse thats not going to stop some stupid with its own ideas
about recovery that doesnt bother to call you or cant manage
to get you and trys going it alone, maybe with the 'assistence'
of someone who claims to know what they are doing but doesnt.