You have a copy of Ghost 2003? If so pop a floppy into the Drive and right
click then select Format->Create MS-DOS Start-up Disk. When finished copy
these two files to the floppy from "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Norton Ghost
2003" (or wherever you installed Ghost)
Shut Down your computer and connect the new Drive.
Restart with the floppy. At the command prompt type GHOST.EXE
When Ghost starts press OK on first screen then using the Arrow keys, Tab
key and Enter Key do the following
Go to Local->Drive->To Drive
Select the Source Drive as your 40GB and the Destination Drive as your 60GB
OK to accept the copy and that's it. Make absolutely certain you are
selecting the Source as the 40GB and the Destination as the 60GB. Ghost is
unforgiving. If you copy the 60 to the 40 you will lose whatever was on that
40 pretty darn fast.
You might find that if the new drive isn't being recognized it is because it
has not been partitioned. Ghost won't recognized an unpartitioned drive.
After the copy is finished shutdown and connect the new drive as Master on
the Primary Controller. Remove the 40 GB. Reboot the computer with only the
new drive. It should run with no problem and unless you've already swapped
out a bunch of hardware you likely won't have to reactivate. After you've
run the drive you can shutdown, connect the 40GB as slave, boot again and
then repartition it as a Logical Partition, format and use it for storage.