Ghost 9 has no command line feature unlike its previous versions. It's a
100% Windows based backup solution.
You are restricted to the preceding version when using a maintenance
script, version 2003, which still has a command line option.
I managed to get it working with AutoIt3 and the following (very crude)
script. Install AutoIt3, put this in a file (like Ghost-Backup.au3) and run
it from your favorite scripting tool ("AutoIt3.exe
d:\path\Ghost-Backup.au3"). AutoIt3 returns after the backup is completed
and the Ghost console has been closed.
; - Start of file ---------------------------------------------------
; Runs Norton Ghost and initiates an incremental backup.
; Requires exactly one backup job in the job list, and this one
; needs to have already a baseline backup (so that the incremental
; backup is now the default option in the backup type dialog).
; May work also when the desired job is the first in the list (not
; tested).
; Possible improvements:
; - Several timeouts with error aborts
; - Check whether incremental is actually the selected type
; - Start the Ghost-related services before and stop them afterwards
; - Get the data of the image files (size) and output them to a log
; - Make it independent of the specific Ghost application path
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Run the Ghost application, wait until it is initialized and activate it
Run( "D:\Programs\Symantec\Norton Ghost\Console\V2iConsole_.exe" )
WinWait( "Norton Ghost 9.0", "Scanning Disks" )
WinWait( "Norton Ghost 9.0", "Ready" )
WinActivate( "Norton Ghost 9.0" )
; Make the job tab active and select the first job
Send( "{TAB}^{TAB}{TAB}" )
; Select menu &Tools | R&un job now
Send( "!tu" )
; Wait for the backup type dialog.
WinWaitActive( "Backup Type" )
; Now send enter to confirm the default selection. After a baseline backup
; has been done for a job, the default selection is an incremental backup.
Send( "{ENTER}" )
; Backup is now running. Wait for the "official" start (status text) ...
WinWaitActive( "Norton Ghost 9.0", "Creating Backup Image" )
; ... and the end of it.
WinWaitActive( "Norton Ghost 9.0", "Ready" )
; Wait a little longer (just to be safe) ...
Sleep( 5000 )
; ... and exit the application through menu &Console | E&xit
Send( "!cx" );
; - End of file -----------------------------------------------------