Problem : my father is learning to work with a computer, wonderful,
but often he is doing ... stupid things.
My idea was to make an image file of the hard disk on a DVD so that,
when he had done something wrong, he could use the bootable DVD to
boot the computer and restore the notebook.
Making the image was no problem, but automating the restore A BIG
I know that Ghost 2003 is making a Virtual Partition. So it is no
problem to boot from the DVD. But then Ghost is started and I have to
choose what I want to do with it ...
I tried the advanced settings when making an image and included the
instruction to 'add to autoexec.bat' :
ghost.exe -clone,mode=restore,dst=1,src=@CD-R1 -sure -fx
but that doesn't make any difference.
It is not possible to use a bootable disk because the notebook doesn't
have a floppy.
but often he is doing ... stupid things.
My idea was to make an image file of the hard disk on a DVD so that,
when he had done something wrong, he could use the bootable DVD to
boot the computer and restore the notebook.
Making the image was no problem, but automating the restore A BIG
I know that Ghost 2003 is making a Virtual Partition. So it is no
problem to boot from the DVD. But then Ghost is started and I have to
choose what I want to do with it ...
I tried the advanced settings when making an image and included the
instruction to 'add to autoexec.bat' :
ghost.exe -clone,mode=restore,dst=1,src=@CD-R1 -sure -fx
but that doesn't make any difference.
It is not possible to use a bootable disk because the notebook doesn't
have a floppy.