GFX info Confliction

Jan 4, 2003
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Im a little flumuxed at the mo due to conflicting information

Anyone wanna help ;)

Ok thinking of upgrading my card to one a little better until I can get some pennies together for a complete system.

At the moment I have a couple of XFX 256 6800GS's one in each of two systems. However the one in my main system is the one I wish to replace with an XFX 9500GT 512

My motherboard is 2years old so I dont think its pcie2.0. I cant find anything to suggest it is anyway in its manual.

Now the Saga.

The XFX website says its pcie2.0 compatable however in extended specs its says pcie2.0 cardbus

Other sites i have visited have also said its pcie so i'm not sure what to do

Not having a pcie2.0 card at all I cant compare to see if they are slightly different ie a few more/less contacts on board. Does pcie2.0 mean an enhancement to the chipset or is it a different interface completely? Or both?

If i bought this card will it fit into my system without any problems and give me the benefit of having it or will I just be wasting £50?

The first link and PDF doc says PCIe2.0 card bus in top right side. The second link says pcie2.0 support
so its not helping really. Can anyone shed some light? I'm sure this card will make a substancial difference to my gaming compare to my current cards!

The model below is the 256 version and according to website and tehir support line that is pcie

As a bonus Play have told me if the card description is incorrect they will collect it no problem. They like that and thats why I use them a lot ;)

To add I have just seen a better card albeit slightly more expensive hmmmm todo todo!!
Last edited: GDDR3 HDTV/Dual DVI (PCI-Express) - Retail

This is better value for money. As long as you have a PCI-E slot all PCI-E cards will fit and work. PCI-E 2 is a new set of instructions for the cards internals not an actual physical change to the card.

Thanks mate i did think it was something to do with the instruction set but needed to make sure first! The last link for card I post are very similar and only 50mhz difference. I think i would rather have the extra 256meg. But saying that the one u have post seems to have more stream processing power hmmm!

They arent GT's the only GS's but i rekon I may still get £20 for it the other is staying in its case for now

I woudl prefer the 512 however again its swings and roundabouts comparing all the streams and GPU and shading powers. I hate it lol
9500GT is the new 8600GT!

8800GT will beat a 9600GT and smash a 9500GT all over the place.

There is no new technology in the Nvidia 9 Series, only one worth getting is 9800GTX+.
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Go for the card I suggested if you are on a small monitor. Go for a 512 if you are running at 1900 x 1200 or higher.

That 9500 is not very good value considering what you can buy for the same money.

Ive seen the 9800gtx+ and really want one but the price range is three times what I can aford at present :(
Was just trying to make a point, 512mb is best, not just for high resolution, 256mb will struggle at 1680 x 1050 on high settings.

Would definetly recommend the 8800GT 512mb, more horsepower for other things as well.